Monday, August 07, 2006
  Israel Salute Day - New York Shame Day
Israel Salute Day - New York Shame Day

The Story (a bit of narration this time):
Coming out of a subway station in New York City in June, I saw a nice blue poster announcing the Israel Salute Day Parade on the 5th avenue which I took as a personal invitation. I went to the rendezvous promising myself all kinds of wonderful encounters and amazing discoveries. Apart from a few small groups of Arab and Jewish anti-Zionist protesters, the 5th avenue and for as long as I could see was loaded with horrific 'hate' posters, racism and provocation ruled! A treasure trove for peace and love mongers…. I did not post these photos at the time (only this one), for I didn't want to politicize my stream... The situation now obliges…

These photos are a testimony to the pure humanistic refinement and philanthropy of the Zionist culture. My comments, from top to bottom, left to right:

1- Expel the arab not the jews: Yep, it's a flat ass racist-hate message right on the 5th avenue in front of a million people and it's the whole point of any Israel actions. One of the finest Zionist traditions, the real code word for it being “population transfer”, it was practiced all over Palestine from 1880 to 1948 the date of the creation of the state of Israel, then with special variations since 1967 on Gaza, the West Bank and the Syrian Golan.

2 and 3- Signs carrying random American family names that immigrated to Israel and the slogan "Israel - Nobody blongs here more than you": Exactly, invite American Jewish families that are under no danger whatsoever to immigrate to Israel, give them subsidies, land and money – that’s why they would go anyway… Steal Palestinian land to provide them for illegal settlements, while at the same time, forbidding Palestinian refugees to return to their land under the pretext there’s no place for them... and think of creative criminal ways to drive out more Palestinians in the future, yep we said it in -1- Expel arabs!

4- If not you then who? If not now, then when?: Uncle Olmert wants you!!! Come on you slacker!!! Get down on it! Go to the promised land of empty promises, go now! We need fuel for future wars, we need soldiers and we need people that want to die and people that want to vote… Go become proud as an Israeli and make Israel proud of you.... Turn off that TV you Israel-unlover… You can do it! you just have to believe in yourself strong enough!!

5- Israel fights the battle against world terror on the front lines: Hey you US citizens, don't you get it?!?! And you dare ask about your tax money, shame! Come on? Do you wanna fight terror yourself? No need to! Outsource to Israel, it’s cheaper... What Israel is for anti-terror is like what India is fo IT... We get a 1st class job done, ISO standards and all, all you need is to vote! (… and to pay)

6- Israel = Peace & Democracy, Palestinians = Death & Destruction: Somehow there's a man and his wife that were made to believe that the world’s biggest apartheid regime is about peace and democracy (and luv)... For that kind of brainwash, I bow in front of the US media in awe... standing ovation... bravo!

The last sign deserves a special hint:

Israel is our future: All right, future for who ezactly sinior? US citizens, Eskimo, Jews? Actually, I believe it's our sad future here in the Middle East all confessions mixed and including the Jews duly invited to become the fuel of the Zionist wars to come… With such good US government support, Zionism will have the power to dispense on us as many joyful surprises as it has done in the past 120 years... It's our future and in our future, and we shall be congratulating ourselves for having such a merit and for being born so close to where it decided to “Aliyah” itself, for generations to come. Amen!

I Apologize for being late, and Happy f***** Salute day to you and see you next year with bigger signs and more out in the sun bigotry.

(For those who don’t know, Aliyah is the rise to mount Zion in Jerusalem, and one of the most romantic expressions in the Zionist dictionary… What it means in simple english is the biggest refugee case in modern history)
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